Dec 15, 2020Liked by Louise Miller

You're a beautiful writer and I loved reading about your bird adventures.

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Dec 9, 2020Liked by Louise Miller

LOVELY, Louise! Once they get you, they got you! I am giving three families of nephews and nieces all birdfeeders/seed this year for Christmas, so that the magic may begin-- it's a portal (as you have discovered) that is both numinous and life-changing. I recall when it was announced that the Ivory Bill Woodpecker (either the Holy Grail, or Big Foot, of birding, depending upon which of two camps one falls into) had been rediscovered after some 60-ish years of absence, one of the authors of this almost incredibly joyous news spoke at the Natural Museum at Harvard, and I dragged a bf to go see him with me. I was OVER THE MOON to hear him/meet him/see him-- will never wash this hand again type of thing-- and was so juked up I had to walk all the home to Arlington: a 'good stretch of the leg' as my Irish grandmother (God rest her) would say; in FACT, Sibley (who wasn't involved in the rediscovery) proved a Debbie Downer and was one of the first to throw cold water on this announcement. Yes, I'm afraid the fur (and feathers...) flew for some years after this, and the IBW, in the meantime, drifted back into the haze of maybe. Hint: nickname for the IBW was the 'Lord God' bird, as that was what one would say when seeing this breathtaking woodpecker as big as some hawks. So I congratulate you on entering this world! Once in, one doesn't get out-- but that's a good thing!!!! Birds pepper and salt my seasons-- it's not spring until I see and hear the AMAZING 'Sky Dance' of the American Woodcock's mating ritual; summer is spent nest-protecting; autumn it's time to volunteer with EMHW (Eastern Massachusetts Hawk Watch) and count, from various mountaintops in the area, the number of Broad Winged Hawks soaring overhead. I could go on. Thanks for sharing this delightful rhapsody! https://www.pbs.org/video/nhptv-special-productions-journey-of-the-broad-winged-hawk/

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Dec 8, 2020Liked by Louise Miller

Absolutely beautiful, Louise. I love the meditation on the natural world that is going on all around us. Jays are amazing. In my yard we have nicknamed them the police for alarming the other birds to predators (the coopers hawk, usually) though sometimes they put up the call just to clear the feeders for themselves (I swear). So clever! Thank you for writing this.

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